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Concurso de vídeos científicos 2014
publicado el 01/01/2014

3er Premio: “Mouse CT scan"
Micro Computerized Tomography (µCT) scan of wild type mouse embryo at 14.5 days of gestation.
Authors: Macarena López-Mayorga (1), Lydia Teboul (2) and Jaime J. Carvajal (1). [1.- CABD; 2.- MRC Harwell, UK]

2do Premio: "Intrusos en casa"
Time-lapse recording showing transplanted macrophages (in green) invading a Drosophila melanogaster embryo. Host embryo macrophages are marked in red.
Author: Besaid Sanchéz [CABD]

1er premio "Bailar pegados"
Time-lapse recording showing random migration of macrophages (in green) in a stage 15 Drosophila melanogaster embryo. Author: Besaid Sanchéz [CABD]