Cell biology and Biotechnology

Uncovering the bacterial potential for bioremediation and novel antimicrobials

Dra Eva María Camacho Fernández
Researcher associated to Dr Fernando Govantes

Five relevant publications
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Five relevant publications

  • Aulestia, M., Flores, A., Mangas, E.L., Perez-Pulido, A.J., Santero, E., and Camacho, E.M.* (2020) Isolation and genomic characterization of the ibuprofen-degrading bacterium Sphingomonas strain MPO218. Environ Microbiol.
  • Carcel-Marquez, J., Flores, A., Martin-Cabello, G., Santero, E. & Camacho, E. M.* (2019) Development of an inducible lytic system for functional metagenomic screening. Sci Rep 9, 3887, doi:10.1038/s41598-019-40470-4
  • Camacho EM*, Mesa-Pereira B, Medina C, Flores A, Santero E. (2016) Engineering Salmonella as intracellular factory for effective killing of tumour cells. Scientific reports. 6: 30591
  • Mesa-Pereira B, Medina C, Camacho EM, Flores A, Santero E (2015) Improved cytotoxic effects of Salmonella producing cytosine deaminase in tumour cells. Microbial Biotechnology. 8(1):169-76
  • Royo JL, Becker PD, Camacho EM, Cebolla A, Link C, et al. (2007) In vivo gene regulation in Salmonella spp. by a salicylate-dependent control circuit. Nat Methods 4: 937-942

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