Gene regulation and morphogenesis

Sy(stem)s Developmental Biology

Dra Elena Camacho Aguilar
Junior Group Leader María de Maeztu

Five relevant publications
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Five relevant publications

See ORCID or Google Scholar for a complete and most up-to-date record.

* - equal contribution; † - corresponding author

- Camacho-Aguilar E†, Yoon ST, Ortiz-Salazar MA, Warmflash A†. Combinatorial interpretation of BMP and WNT allows BMP to act as a morphogen in time but not in concentration. bioRxiv (2022) [Accepted in Cell Systems]

- Sempou E, Kostiuk V, Zhu J, Cecilia Guerra M, Tyan L, Hwang W, Camacho-Aguilar E, Caplan MJ, Zenisek D, Warmflash A, Owens NDL, Khokha MK†. Membrane potential drives the exit from pluripotency and cell fate commitment via calcium and mTOR. Nature Communications (2022)

- Sáez M*, Blassberg R*, Camacho-Aguilar E*, Siggia ED, Rand DA†, Briscoe J†. Statistically derived geometrical landscapes capture principles of decision-making dynamics during cell fate transitions. Cell Systems (2022)

- Camacho-Aguilar E†, Warmflash A, Rand DA†. Quantifying cell transitions in C. elegans with data-fitted landscape models. PLoS Computational Biology (2021)

- Camacho-Aguilar E, Warmflash A†. Insights into mammalian morphogen dynamics from embryonic stem cell systems. Current Topics in Developmental Biology (2020)

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