Cell biology and Biotechnology

Stem cell behaviour in their niches and epithelial morphogenesis

Five recent publications

  • Pearson, J., Zurita, F., Tomás-Gallardo, L., Díaz-Torres, A., Díaz de la Loza, M. C., Franze, K., Martín-Bermudo, M. D. and González-Reyes, A. (2016) ECM-regulator timp is required for stem cell niche organization and cyst production in the Drosophila ovary. PLoS Genet 12(1): e1005763. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1005763.
  • Valencia-Expósito, A., Grosheva, I., Míguez, D. G., González-Reyes, A.* and Martín-Bermudo, M. D.* (2016) Myosin Light Chain Phosphatase regulates basal actomyosin oscillations during morphogenesis. Nat. Comms. doi: 10.1038/ncomms10746 (* authors for correspondence and equal contribution).
  • Díaz de la Loza, M. C., Díaz-Torres, A., Zurita, F., Rosales-Nieves, A. E., Moeendarbary, E., Franze, K., Martín-Bermudo, M. D. * and González-Reyes, A.* (2017) Laminin levels regulate tissue migration and Anterior-Posterior polarity during egg morphogenesis in Drosophila. Cell Reports, 20, 211-223. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2017.06.031 (* authors for correspondence and equal contribution).
  • Díaz-Torres, A., Rosales-Nieves, A. E., Pearson, J. R., Santa-Cruz Mateos, C., Marín-Menguiano, M., Marshall, O. J., Brand, A. H. and González-Reyes, A. (2021) Stem cell niche organisation in the Drosophila ovary requires the ECM component Perlecan. Curr. Biol., DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2021.01.071.
  • Villa-Fombuena, G., Lobo-Pecellín, M., Marín-Menguiano, M., Rojas-Ríos, P. and González-Reyes, A. (2021) Live imaging of the Drosophila ovarian niche shows spectrosome and centrosome dynamics during asymmetric germline stem cell division. Development, 148, dev199716. doi: 10.1242/dev.199716.

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