Cell biology and Biotechnology

Biotechnology of industrial and artisan fermentations. Competitivity factors in microbial communities and their application.

Dr Andrés Garzón Villar
Researcher associated to Dr Juan Jiménez Martínez

Relevant publications
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Relevant publications

  • The S.pombe sequencing consortium (Andrés Garzón, among others) (2002). The genome sequence of Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Nature. 415, 871-880.
  • Muñoz M J., Daga R R., Garzón A, Thode G, Jimenez J. (2002). Poly(A) site choice during mRNA 3'-end formation in the Schizosaccharomyces pombe wos2 gene. Mol.Genet.Genom. 267, 792-796.
  • Tallada V.A., Daga R. R., Palomeque C., Garzón A., Jiménez J.. (2002). Genome-wide search for S. pombe genes causing overexpression-mediated cell cycle defects. Yeast 19, 1139-1151.

CABD - Centro Andaluz de Biología del Desarrollo

Universidad Pablo de Olavide
Carretera de Utrera km1
41013 Sevilla, España
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