Gene regulation and morphogenesis

Regulation of skeletal muscle mass and function from development to ageing

Five relevant publications

Hernández-Camacho, JD; Vicente-García, C*; Sánchez-Cuesta, A; Fernández-Ayala, DJM; Carvajal, JJ; Navas, P*. 2022. In vivo analysis of respiration in isolated mitochondria from mouse skeletal muscle. J Vis Exp. 180: e63336.
Vicente-García, C; Hernández-Camacho, JD; Carvajal, JJ*. Regulation of myogenic gene expression. 2022. Exp Cell Res. 419(1):113299.
Navas-Pérez, E#; Vicente-García, C#; Mirra, S#; Burguera, D; Fernàndez-Castillo, N; et al. 2020. Characterization of an eutherian gene cluster generated after transposon domestication identifies Bex3 as relevant for advanced neurological functions. Genom Biol. 21(1):267.
Vicente-García, C#; Villarejo-Balcells, B#; Irastorza-Azcárate, I; Naranjo, S; Acemel, RD; et al. 2017. Regulatory landscape fusion in rhabdomyosarcoma through interactions between the PAX3 promoter and FOXO1 regulatory elements. Genome Biol. 18: 106.
Wang, J; Vicente-García, C; Seruggia, D; Moltó, E; Fernández-Miñán, A; et al. 2015. MIR retrotransposon sequences provide insulators to the human genome. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 112: E4428-4437.

# Equal contribution
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CABD - Centro Andaluz de Biología del Desarrollo

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