Publications over the last 5 years
Lab members & Collaborators
1. C. H. Fernández-Espartero, D. Ramel, M. Farago, M. Malartre, C. M Luque, S. Limanovich, S. Katzav, G. Emery and Martín-Bermudo, M. D. (2013). The GEF Vav regulates guided cell migration by coupling guidance receptor signalling to local Rac activation. J. Cell Science, 126:2285-2293.
2. K. Comber, S. Huelsmann, I. Evans, B. J. Sánchez-Sánchez, A. Chalmers, R. Reuter, W. Wood and M. D. Martín-Bermudo (2013). A dual role for the βPS integrin myospheroid in mediating Drosophila embryonic macrophage migration. J. Cell Science, 126: 3475-3484.
3. Pérez Moreno, J., Bischoff, M., M. D. Martín-Bermudo, and Estrada, B. (2014). The transmembrane proteoglycan Perdido is essential for in vivo myofibrillogenesis and proper sarcomeric structure. J. Cell Science, 127: 3162-3173.
4. Gómez-Lamarca, M.J., Cobreros Reguera, L., Ibáñez-Jiménez, B.,Palacios, I.M. and M. D. Martín-Bermudo (2014). Integrins regulate epithelial cell differentiation by modulating Notch activity. J. Cell Science, 127: 4667-4678.
5. Martín-Bermudo, M. D., Pierre-Luc Bardet, Yohanns Bellaiche and Malartre, M. (2015). The Vav oncogene antagonizes EGFR signaling and regulates adherens junction dynamics during Drosophila eye development. Development, 142: 1492-1501.
6. John R. Pearson, Federico Zurita, Laura Tomás-Gallardo, Alfonsa Díaz-Torres, María del Carmen Díaz de la Loza, Kristian Franze, María D. Martín-Bermudo and Acaimo González-Reyes (2016). timp-mediated ECM regulation is required for stem cell niche organization and cyst production in the Drosophila ovary. PLoS Genetics, 1005763.
7. Valencia-Expósito, A., Grosheva, I., Míguez, D.G., González-Reyes, A. and Martín-Bermudo, M. D. (2016). Myosin Light Chain Phosphatase regulates basal actomyosin oscillations during morphogenesis. Nature Communications, 7, 10798.
8. Bing Fu Ng, Gokul K Selvaraj, Carmen Santa-Cruz Mateos, Inna Grosheva, Ines Alvarez-Garcia, Maria Dolores Martin-Bermudo, and Isabel M Palacios (2016). Alpha-spectrin is essential for septate junction formation and columnarization, but not for proliferation control, in the follicular epithelium. Development, 143, 1388-1399.
9. María C. Díaz de la Loza, Alfonsa Díaz-Torres, Federico Zurita, Emad Moeendarbary, Kristian Franze, María D. Martín-Bermudo* and Acaimo González-Reyes* (2017). (*Co-corresponding authors). Laminin levels regulate tissue migration and Anterior-Posterior polarity during egg morphogenesis in Drosophila. Cell Reports, 20, 211-233.
10. Martín-Bermudo, M. D.*, Gebel, L. and Palacios, I.M.* (2017). (*Co-corresponding authors). DrosAfrica: Building an African biomedical research community using Drosophila. Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology.
11. B. J. Sánchez-Sánchez, Urbano, J.M., Comber, K., Dragu, A., Wood, W., Stramer, B. and Maria D. Martín-Bermudo (2017). Drosophila embryonic hemocytes produce laminins to strengthen migratory response. Cell Reports, 21,1461-1470.
12. P. Gómez-Gálvez, P. Vicente-Munuera, A. Tagua, C. Forja, A. M. Castro, M. Letrán, A. Valencia Expósito, C. Grima, M. Bermúdez-Gallardo, Ó. Serrano-Pérez-Higueras, F. Cavodeassi, S. Sotillos, María D. Martín-Bermudo, A. Márquez, J. Buceta and Luis M. Escudero (2018). Scutoids are a geometrical solution to threedimensional packing of epithelia. Nature Communications, 9, 2960.
13. J. Dai, B. Estrada, Sofie Jacobs, B. J. Sánchez-Sánchez2, J. Tang, M. Ma, P. Magadán-Corpas, José C. Pastor-Pareja* and María D. Martín-Bermudo* (2018). Dissection of Nidogen function in Drosophila reveals tissue-specific mechanisms of basement membrane assembly. PLoS Genetics, 14 (9).
14. Santa-Cruz Mateos, C., Valencia-Expósito, A., Palacios, I.M. and Maria D. Martin-Bermudo (2020). Integrins regulate epithelia cell shape by controlling the architecture and mechanical properties of basal actomyosin networks. PLoS Genetics, 16 (6).
15. Palacios, I.*, Vicente-Crespo, M.* and Martin-Bermudo, M.D.* (2020). The humble fruit fly is helping the African science community to thrive. Nature Rev. Mol. Cell Biol.
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