Cell biology and Biotechnology

Evolution of cell division in the Planctomycetes phylum

Dra Elena Rivas-Marin
Researcher associated to Dr Damien Paul Devos

Five relevant publications
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Five relevant publications

  • Santana-Molina, C.; Rivas-Marin, E.; Rojas, AM.; Devos, DP. (2020) Origin and evolution of polycyclic triterpene synthesis. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 7, 1925-1941.
  • Wiegand, S. et al.; Rivas-Marin, E. (2020). Cultivation and functional characterization of 79
    planctomycetes uncovers their unique biology. Nature Microbiology, 5, 126-140.
  • Rivas-Marin, E.; Peeters, SH.; Claret Fernández, L.; Jogler, C.; van Niftrik, L.; Wiegand, S.; Devos, DP. (2020) Non-essentiality of canonical cell division genes in the planctomycete Planctopirus limnophila. Scientific Reports. 10, 66.
  • Rivas-Marin, E.; Stettner, S.; Gottshall, EY.; Santana-Molina, C.; Helling, M.; Basile, F.; Ward, NL.; Devos, DP. (2019). Essentiality of sterol synthesis genes in the planctomycete bacterium Gemmata obscuriglobus. Nature Communications, 10, 2916.
  • Rivas-Marin, E.; Canosa, I.; Devos, DP. (2016). Evolutionary Cell Biology of Division Mode in the Bacterial Planctomycetes-Verrucomicrobia- Chlamydiae Superphylum. Frontiers in Microbiology, 7, 1964.
  • Rivas-Marin, E.; Canosa, I.; Santero, E.; Devos, DP. (2016). Development of genetic tools for the manipulation of the Plantomycetes. Frontiers in Microbiology, 7, 914

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