Gene regulation and morphogenesis

Establishment of cell polarity and its relationship to signaling.

Full publication list


(1) Hematopoietic cell-type-dependent regulation of leukocyte integrin functional activity: CD11b and CD11c expression inhibits LFA-1-dependent aggregation of differentiated U937 cells.
Nueda A, López-Rodríguez C, Rubio MA, Sotillos M, Postigo A, del Pozo MA, Vega MA, Corbí AL. Cell Immunol. 1995 Sep;164(2):163-9.
doi: 10.1006/cimm.1995.1157. PMID: 7656323

(2) Monocyte activation: rapid induction of alpha 1/beta 1 (VLA-1) integrin expression by lipopolysaccharide and interferon-gamma.
Rubio MA, Sotillos M, Jochems G, Alvarez V, Corbí AL. Eur J Immunol. 1995 Sep;25(9):2701-5.
doi: 10.1002/eji.1830250945. PMID: 7589148

(3) The metalloprotease-disintegrin Kuzbanian participates in Notch activation during growth and patterning of Drosophila imaginal discs.
Sotillos S, Roch F, Campuzano S. Development. 1997 Dec;124(23):4769-79.
doi: 10.1242/dev.124.23.4769. PMID: 9428413

(4) DRacGAP, a novel Drosophila gene, inhibits EGFR/Ras signalling in the developing imaginal wing disc.
Sotillos S, Campuzano S. Development. 2000 Dec;127(24):5427-38.
doi: 10.1242/dev.127.24.5427. PMID: 11076763

(5) DaPKC-dependent phosphorylation of Crumbs is required for epithelial cell polarity in Drosophila.
Sotillos S, Díaz-Meco MT, Caminero E, Moscat J, Campuzano S. J Cell Biol. 2004 Aug 16;166(4):549-57.
doi: 10.1083/jcb.200311031. Epub 2004 Aug 9. PMID: 15302858

(6) Interactions between the Notch, EGFR, and decapentaplegic signaling pathways regulate vein differentiation during Drosophila pupal wing development.
Sotillos S, De Celis JF. Dev Dyn. 2005 Mar;232(3):738-52.
doi: 10.1002/dvdy.20270. PMID: 15704120

(7) Regulation of decapentaplegic expression during Drosophila wing veins pupal development.
Sotillos S, de Celis JF. Mech Dev. 2006 Mar;123(3):241-51.
doi: 10.1016/j.mod.2005.12.002. Epub 2006 Jan 18. PMID: 16423512

(8) Compartmentalisation of Rho regulators directs cell invagination during tissue morphogenesis.
Simões S, Denholm B, Azevedo D, Sotillos S, Martin P, Skaer H, Hombría JC, Jacinto A. Development. 2006 Nov;133(21):4257-67.
doi: 10.1242/dev.02588. Epub 2006 Oct 4. PMID: 17021037

(9) Coordinated control of cell adhesion, polarity, and cytoskeleton underlies Hox-induced organogenesis in Drosophila.
Lovegrove B, Simões S, Rivas ML, Sotillos S, Johnson K, Knust E, Jacinto A, Hombría JC. Curr Biol. 2006 Nov 21;16(22):2206-16.
doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2006.09.029. PMID: 17113384

(10) Polarized subcellular localization of Jak/STAT components is required for efficient signaling.
Sotillos S, Díaz-Meco MT, Moscat J, Castelli-Gair Hombría J. Curr Biol. 2008 Apr 22;18(8):624-9.
doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2008.03.055. PMID: 18424141

(11) An efficient approach to isolate STAT regulated enhancers uncovers STAT92E fundamental role in Drosophila tracheal development.
Sotillos S, Espinosa-Vázquez JM, Foglia F, Hu N, Hombría JC. Dev Biol. 2010 Apr 15;340(2):571-82.
doi: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2010.02.015. Epub 2010 Feb 18. PMID: 20171201.
(12) Regulated Crb accumulation controls apical constriction and invagination in Drosophila tracheal cells.
Letizia A, Sotillos S, Campuzano S, Llimargas M. J Cell Sci. 2011 Jan 15;124(Pt 2):240-51.
doi: 10.1242/jcs.073601. Epub 2010 Dec 15. PMID: 21172808.

(13) Forces shaping a Hox morphogenetic gene network.
Sotillos S, Aguilar M, Hombría JC. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Mar 12;110(11):4303-8.
doi: 10.1073/pnas.1212970110. Epub 2013 Feb 25. PMID: 23440219.
(14) Src kinases mediate the interaction of the apical determinant Bazooka/PAR3 with STAT92E and increase signalling efficiency in Drosophila ectodermal cells.
Sotillos S*, Krahn M, Espinosa-Vázquez JM, Hombría JC. Development. 2013 Apr;140(7):1507-16.
doi: 10.1242/dev.092320. Epub 2013 Mar 5. PMID: 23462467.

(15) Common origin of insect trachea and endocrine organs from a segmentally repeated precursor.
Sánchez-Higueras C, Sotillos S, Castelli-Gair Hombría J. Curr Biol. 2014 Jan 6;24(1):76-81.
doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2013.11.010. Epub 2013 Dec 12. PMID: 24332544.

(16) Nuclear fallout provides a new link between aPKC and polarized cell trafficking.
Calero-Cuenca FJ, Espinosa-Vázquez JM, Reina-Campos M, Díaz-Meco MT, Moscat J, Sotillos S*. BMC Biol. 2016 Apr 18;14:32.
doi: 10.1186/s12915-016-0253-6. PMID: 27089924.

(17) Nuf and Rip11 requirement for polarity determinant recycling during Drosophila development.
Calero-Cuenca FJ, Sotillos S. Small GTPases. 2018 Jul 4;9(4):352-359.
doi: 10.1080/21541248.2016.1235386. Epub 2016 Nov 1. PMID: 27687567.

 (18) Functional analysis of the Drosophila RhoGAP Cv-c protein and its equivalence to the human DLC3 and DLC1 proteins.
Sotillos S*, Aguilar-Aragon M, Hombría JC. Sci Rep. 2018 Mar 15;8(1):4601.
doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-22794-9. PMID: 29545526.

(19) Scutoids are a geometrical solution to three-dimensional packing of epithelia.
Gómez-Gálvez P, Vicente-Munuera P, Tagua A, Forja C, Castro AM, Letrán M, Valencia-Expósito A, Grima C, Bermúdez-Gallardo M, Serrano-Pérez-Higueras Ó, Cavodeassi F, Sotillos S, Martín-Bermudo MD, Márquez A, Buceta J, Escudero LM. Nat Commun. 2018 Jul 27;9(1):2960.
doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-05376-1. PMID: 30054479.

(20) A conserved function of Human DLC3 and Drosophila Cv-c in testis development.
Sotillos S*, von der Decken I, Domenech Mercadé I, Srinivasan S, Sirokha D, Livshits L, Vanni S, Nef S, Biason-Lauber A, Rodríguez Gutiérrez D, Castelli-Gair Hombría J. Elife. 2022 Nov 3;11:e82343.
doi: 10.7554/eLife.82343. PMID: 36326091.

* Corresponding author.

(R1) JAK/STAT signalling: STAT cannot play with Ken and Barbie.
Hombría JC, Sotillos S. Curr Biol. 2006 Feb 7;16(3):R98-100.
doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2006.01.021. PMID: 16461274

(R2) Disclosing JAK/STAT links to cell adhesion and cell polarity.
Hombría JC, Sotillos S. Semin Cell Dev Biol. 2008 Aug;19(4):370-8.
doi: 10.1016/j.semcdb.2008.06.002. Epub 2008 Jun 11. PMID: 18590829

(R3) Genetic control of morphogenesis - Hox induced organogenesis of the posterior spiracles.
Castelli Gair Hombría J, Rivas ML, Sotillos S. Int J Dev Biol. 2009;53(8-10):1349-58. doi: 10.1387/ijdb.072421jc. PMID: 19247941

(R4) Evo-Devo: When Four Became Two Plus Two.
Hombría JC, Sotillos S. Curr Biol. 2020 Jun 8;30(11):R655-R657.
doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2020.04.022. PMID: 32516617

(C1) S. Sotillos y S. Campuzano. Role of achaete-scute complex genes in the development of the adult peripherial nervous system of Drosophila melanogaster In : "Key Experiments in Practical Developmental Biology" Marí-Beffa, M. and J. Knight (eds.) pp:255-268. (ISBN: 0521833159). Cambridge University
Press. New York.           


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