Gene regulation and morphogenesis

Epigenomics in disease and aging

Five relevant publications

  • Marlétaz F*, Firbas PN*, Maeso I*, Tena JJ*, Bogdanovic O*, Perry M*, Wyatt CDR, de la Calle-Mustienes E, Bertrand S, Burguera D, Acemel RD, van Heeringen SJ, Naranjo S, Herrera-Ubeda C, Skvortsova K, Jimenez-Gancedo S, Aldea D, Marquez Y, Buono L, Kozmikova I, Permanyer J, Louis A, Albuixech-Crespo B, Le Petillon Y, Leon A, Subirana L, Balwierz PJ, Duckett PE, Farahani E, Aury JM, Mangenot S, Wincker P, Albalat R, Benito-Gutiérrez È, Cañestro C, Castro F, D'Aniello S, Ferrier DEK, Huang S, Laudet V, Marais GAB, Pontarotti P, Schubert M, Seitz H, Somorjai I, Takahashi T, Mirabeau O, Xu A, Yu JK, Carninci P, Martinez-Morales JR, Crollius HR, Kozmik Z, Weirauch MT, Garcia-Fernàndez J, Lister R, Lenhard B, Holland PWH, Escriva H, Gómez-Skarmeta JL, Irimia M. (2018) Amphioxus functional genomics and the origins of vertebrate gene regulation. Nature 564:64-70.
  • Acemel RD*, Tena JJ*, Irastorza-Azcarate I*, Marlétaz F*, Gómez-Marín C, de la Calle-Mustienes E, Bertrand S, Diaz SG, Aldea D, Aury JM, Mangenot S, Holland PW, Devos DP, Maeso I, Escrivá H, Gómez-Skarmeta JL. (2016) A single three-dimensional chromatin compartment in amphioxus indicates a stepwise evolution of vertebrate Hox bimodal regulation. Nat Genet. 48:336-341.
  • Smemo S*, Tena JJ*, Kim KH*, Gamazon ER, Sakabe NJ, Gómez-Marín C, Aneas I, Credidio FL, Sobreira DR, Wasserman NF, Lee JH, Puviindran V, Tam D, Shen M, Son JE, Vakili NA, Sung HK, Naranjo S, Acemel RD, Manzanares M, Nagy A, Cox NJ, Hui CC, Gomez-Skarmeta JL, Nóbrega MA. (2014 )Obesity-associated variants within FTO form long-range functional connections with IRX3. Nature. 507:371-375.
  • Tena JJ*, González-Aguilera C*, Fernández-Miñán A, Vázquez-Marín J, Parra-Acero H, Cross JW, Rigby PW, Carvajal JJ, Wittbrodt J, Gómez-Skarmeta JL, Martínez-Morales JR. (2014) Comparative epigenomics in distantly related teleost species identifies conserved cis-regulatory nodes active during the vertebrate phylotypic period. Genome Res. 24:1075-1085.
  • Tena JJ, Alonso ME, de la Calle-Mustienes E, Splinter E, de Laat W, Manzanares M, Gómez-Skarmeta JL. (2011) An evolutionarily conserved three-dimensional structure in the vertebrate Irx clusters facilitates enhancer sharing and coregulation. Nat Commun. 2:310.

* Equal contribution

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