Cell biology and Biotechnology

Epigenetic regulation of virulence in plant pathogenic fungi

Five relevant publications

Navarrete B, Ibeas JI, Barrales RR. Systematic characterization of Ustilago maydis sirtuins shows Sir2 as a modulator of pathogenic gene expression. Front Microbiol. 2023 Apr 11;14:1157990.

Martín Caballero L, Capella M, Barrales RR, Dobrev N, van Emden T, Hirano Y, Suma Sreechakram VN, Fischer-Burkart S, Kinugasa Y, Nevers A, Rougemaille M, Sinning I, Fischer T, Hiraoka Y, Braun S. The inner nuclear membrane protein Lem2 coordinates RNA degradation at the nuclear periphery. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2022 Sep;29(9):910-921.

Greenstein RA, Barrales RR, Sanchez NA, Bisanz JE, Braun S, Al-Sady B. Set1/COMPASS repels heterochromatin invasion at euchromatic sites by disrupting Suv39/Clr4 activity and nucleosome stability. Genes Dev. 2020 Jan 1;34(1-2):99-117.

Barrales RR, Forn M, Georgescu PR, Sarkadi Z, Braun S. Control of heterochromatin localization and silencing by the nuclear membrane protein Lem2. Genes Dev. 2016 Jan 15;30(2):133-48.

Barrales RR, Korber P, Jimenez J, Ibeas JI. Chromatin modulation at the FLO11 promoter of Saccharomyces cerevisiae by HDAC and Swi/Snf complexes. Genetics. 2012 Jul;191(3):791-803.

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