Cell biology and Biotechnology

Bioinformatics and Computational Biology

Lab members & Collaborators

Lab members
Principal investigator:
Dr Ana M. Rojas, +(34) 954 977 373, a.rojas.mckcwr@zjgxhcsic.es
  • Founder member of the Spanish Society for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (SEBIBiC).
  • COSI Function Track Chair for the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB).
  • Executive Board of the Computational Biology and Bioinformatics CSIC Network (BCB.Hub).
  • Researcher in the Google Spain-University of Seville Chair for Artificial Intelligence.
  • Associate Editor of Nucleic Acid Research Genomics and Bioinformatics.

Francisco Miguel Perez Canales.
PhD students:
Enrique Alanis Dominguez (UPO)
Patricia Medina Burgos (UPO)

Visiting Scientists:
Posdoc: María Victoria Mencucci (Univ de la Plata)
Predoc: Sandra Moreu (Marian Ros lab, IBBTEC)
Predoc:Gemma Martínez-Redondo (Rosa Fedz. Lab, IBE).

TFM Students:
Alberto del Cueto
Gabriel Jimenez
Antonio Parra.

Previous lab members:
Israel Barrios Nuñez (now working for the  Spanish goverment).
Ildefonso Cases (now  head of the Bioinformatics unit at CABD)
Eduardo Andres Leon (now head of Bioinformatics at IPBLN-CSIC. Granada)
Eduard Porta Pardo (now Junior Group Leader at IJC, Badalona, Barcelona)
Aida Arcas Manta (now Senior Bioinformatician at CLARIVATE)
Juan Antonio Cordero (now technical head of the Bioinformatics Unit at IBIS, Sevilla)
Rocio Nuñez (now Posdoc Researcher at Javier Benitez lab, CNIO, Madrid)
Joel Lopez (now CTO at BTC assesors, Andorra)
Alba Gutierrez (now Posdoc Rsearcher at Harvard, USA)
Ida Paramonov (now programmer and Data analyst at CNAG)
Dr. Harald Wodrich (Director of Research, MPF-CNRS, Bordeaux, France).
Dr. Paul Taylor (Professor, University of Leeds, UK).
Dr. Ildefonso Cases (CSIC Tenured Researcher, Head of the Bioinformatics unit at CABD)
Dr. Iddo Friedberg (Prof. Computational Biology. Iowa State University, USA)
Dr. Mark Wass ( Prof. of Computational Biology. University of Kent, UK)
Dr. Dukka KC (Prof. of Computer Science. Rochester Institute of Technology, USA)
Dra. Rosa Fernandez (CSIC Tenured Researcher, IBE, Barcelona, Spain)
Dr. Aureliano Bombarely (CSIC Research Professor, IBMPC, Valencia,Spain)
Dr. Eva Estebanez-Perpiña (Professor. IBUB, Barcelona), Spain.
Dr. Silvia Salas (Profesor. CABD-UPO, Sevilla, Spain).
Dra. Mercedes Ricote (CSIC Rsearch cientist, CNB-CSIC, Madrid, Spain).
Dr. Sergio Alonso (Principal Investigator, IGTP, Barcelona, Spain).
Dr. Fernando Casares (CSIC Research Professor, CABD, Sevilla, Spain).
Dr. Damien Devos (Principal Investigator, Insitute Pasteur Lille, France).
Dr. Amancio Carnero (CSIC Research Professor,IBIS, Sevilla, Spain).

CABD - Centro Andaluz de Biología del Desarrollo

Universidad Pablo de Olavide
Carretera de Utrera km1
41013 Sevilla, España
+34 954977911


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