Barbara Pernaute obtains a Consolidator grant from the European Research Council 2 M€ for an innovative study in Biology
A European project coordinated by Ozren Bogdanovic at the CABD obtains more than 4 million euros to advance vertebrate tissue regeneration
Gloria Brea has been recognized at the II 'Gente de 10' Awards of eldiarioes Andalucía for her research work in mitochondrial rare diseases.
Darío Lupiáñez has been awarded with the José Luis Gómez Skarmeta 2024 prize by the Spanish Society of Developmental Biology (SEBD)
The 'Including in Science' project brings scientific knowledge closer to vulnerable groups
The internacional organization Human Frontier Science Program funded a collaborative project co-led by María Almuedo Castillo from CABD
Dolores Martín Bermudo recibe el premio Muy Salud Regenerativa
El Instituto de Enfermedades Poco Frecuentes otorga su premio de investigación a Sánchez Alcázar
In Memoriam Jose Luis Gómez-Skarmeta
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